Community Outreach

AAPLES (Asian and Asian Pacific Language Education Schools)


AAPLES seeks to network the organizers and teachers of community-based schools for Asian and Pacific Islander children in Pennsylvania. This collective will seek resources to enhance the functioning of the schools, share curricular and pedagogical information, and combine research with pedagogy to improve instruction. Interested individuals and schools are free to join this site and share the pedagogical resources posted here, attend workshops and meetings announced, or request any necessary educational and organizational help.


May 4, 2019 (2nd workshop)

The Desert Room, Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102.

Facilitators: Suresh Canagarajah, Ana Tankosic, Sharon Danarajan, Miso Kim, Anna Kaiper, Magda Madany

In the workshop, the participants shared curricular and pedagogical information and discussed ideas on combining research with pedagogy to improve instruction. The workshop was very well attended by about language teachers and educators in Pennsylvania.


Nov 3, 2018 (1st workshop)

The Grucci Room, Burrows Building, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802.

Facilitators: Suresh Canagarajah, Mari Haneda, Anna Kaiper, Chunyuan Di, Soyoung Han, Magda Madany, Miso Kim, Heejin Lee

About forty volunteer instructors from immigrant community schools in PA met for a daylong workshop at Penn State to discuss the nature of translingual competence, motivating children to value their heritage languages, power relationships that affect diversity in this country, and dilemmas for identity in the context of migration. They came from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Erie, and State College.