Meetings For Fall 2023

You will find the schedule and readings for the meetings in Fall 2023 below. Please open the following file for the schedule:

Special Lecture by Yumi Matsumoto, October 4th noon.

MSP Fall 2023 Schedule

Please click the links below for readings we will use in our meetings, as specified in our schedule:


Ramjattan (2022)

Otsuji & Pennycook (2010)

MacNevin (2012)

Holborow (2018)

Heller (2010)

Grin (2001)

Gao & Park (2015)

Freire & Ramos (2009)

Finn (2010)

Espín (2013)

Capstick & Ateek (2021)

Canagarajah (Forthcoming)

Canagarajah (2017)

Burns & Roberts (2010)

Blackledge & Creese (2017)

Baynham (2011)

Bank et al (2016)

Ateek (2022)

Sharifian et al. (2021)